baron samedi vs papa legba

Papa legba is the communicator of the dead and the guardian of the gateways and doors to the living and the dead. In Benin, Nigeria and Togo Legba is viewed as young and trickster deity. Hollywood versions of real religions never really end up accurate at all and it ends up in large misunderstandings of diverse groups of people so thank you for writing this! He is seen to be standing at crossroads, gates, and doors. The first man buried at any cemetery becomes Baron Samedi’s door into the physical world. He is said to be able to speak all languages known on earth. That user said that they “asked Papa Legba” about visiting Restin, and received an answer that Restin in fact encountered Baron Samedi: In the above post, which was edited, that user clarified their reading occurred after Restin had already died; the original post was not changed, and the only difference was the second comment. I've got it on you tube if you want to check out the video, I'm in my 'Baron Samedi' voodoo getup :) 2018-07-05T04:32:10Z Comment by Evil Blacksheep. that you would like to see. A print of the ORIGINAL PAINTING ‘Papa Legba’ for The Chrysalis Tarot by Holly Sierra; 6”x 9” Painted in Acrylics on Arches Watercolor Board As an intermediary between the ‘Loa’ (The Spirits of The Voodoo Religion) and humanity Papa Legba stands at the spiritual crossroads and gives (or denies) permission to speak with the spirits of Guinee, The Guinee is the Place of Human Origin and the Home of the Gods. To that end I am going to explain the difference between the Lwa Papa Legba and the group of spirits known as Les Barons and Les Gede. Mystè (mysteries), Zanj, the spirits of ancestors and people that have recently passed. Ancestry is something we should all look into at one time or another (In my opinion, at least); I hope you have a good day or night! Vodou's depiction is often commercialized and harsh; it is made to be seen as evil or black magic! Some also call him Gran Mèt. His gang members included Baron Samedi, Ogu, and others. After watching yet another show where the depiction and role of Papa Legba were exaggerated, incorrect, and confused with Baron Samedi, I felt it was important to share the information I’ve learned about the two and how different they both are from each other. This group is for the discussion of the religion of Vodou. I will not lie. Anyways, my long windedness is over! In some depictions, the right lens of his glasses has been taking out so that he may see both the world of the living and the dead. Of course, this comes with payment, but he will usually accept simple offerings in return. clara_cs / Getty Images Papa Legba is the loa associated with the crossroads, and he serves as an intermediary between man and the spirit world. “, • “Papa Legba (both Petwo and Rada) is a gatekeeper Lwa, not crossroads Lwa. Papa Legba is shown as an older man wearing a straw hat with worn clothing. In some places, he is seen as a fertility god, portrayed with a large erect phallus. I would not pull low blows to criticize what may be a person's beliefs in a blog for the Orishas; however, the AHS started it by telling lies on Papa Legba so i feel entitiled to set it straight. I'm glad you found it helpful! Mèt Kafou is a crossroads Lwa. See more ideas about baron samedi, baron, papa legba. There is conflicting information about the relationship between Papa Ghede and Baron Samedi—where some sources claim they are one in the same, where Papa Ghede is the lighter aspect concerning life and Baron Samedi is the dark aspect concerning death. Vodou is monotheistic in it's full nature. They are just spirits. Even if you do not practice Vodou, I still feel it is essential to know the correct representation of these two loa. The sure way to know is to get a reading from a priest or priestess to see if the lwa are with you and if they want to work with you. But, the Bawon are not leaders. Join the community. . Other sources speak of them being separate entities, where Papa Ghede does the bidding of Baron Samedi. Legba fetish from Benin. If Legba's hanging out, go with Legba. When down on earth, he takes the form most popularly known as a formally dressed beggar. This website saves cookies to your browser in order to improve your online experience and show you personalized content. Papa Gede, Baron Samedi, Bawon Samedi: Spheres of Influence: Death, the Lord of all Gede. Papa Legba. Aviable Dates / Fechas Disponibles. Papa Legba is a Vodou loa known to act as a middle man between the psychical world and the unseen world. I do these types of readings if you’re interested. Vodou is monotheistic in it's full nature. If the Baron wants you specifically, he's extremely good at popping into dream states, and he's among the most likely of the loa to pick up someone outside the religion. As always, thank you for taking the time and interest to read my post! He is known to remove obstacles and help those who seek them find new opportunities and positive outcomes. When it comes to the popular voodoo loas Papa Legba and Baron Samedi, Hollywood and overall pop culture usually have them directed and represented very incorrectly! :blush: The character Dr. Facilier from Princess and the Frog is said to represent Baron as well. In our lineage of Vodou, Papa Ghede Limbo was granted the rank of 33rd-degree Master Mason. This beautiful Veve comes framed and with a protection that I guarantee will open all doors and remove all obstacles. It is only to be practiced by people of African descent! In appearance, he is the depiction we see most! There is no communication to the spirits without him. Bawon Samdi, as all Bawon, are keepers of the Dead and cemetery, having mastery over life and death. Doors are opened, favors are granted, obstacles are removed and roads are cleaned for you to be where you're suppose to be. The show, in addition to falsely equating Legba with the Devil, seems to have collapsed his character with that of the Voodoo Lwa Baron Samedi, traditionally depicted with a Top Hat and images of the dead, as he is the ruler of the cemetery. He lingers in graveyards and at the barrier between life and death. Legba and Sylvio Romulus led the gang, and Marie Sanserico was his girlfriend. The descriptions leave out most of the deep-rooted information and actual work that goes into voudou. There is a single reference to Atibon Legba in the song Black Cat Bone on the Mission album The Brightest Light. It is a mix of African religions, Vodun and Catholicism, and the beliefs of many ethnic groups enslaved and transported to Hati. He is known to cross-dress, swapping out pants for a women’s skirt. i added your corrections to the post, thank you again! He will often poke or tease those who do not find themselves amused with his antics. He next appears in AHS: Apocalypse [Season 8] in 2018. Who created voodoo? Papa legba is the communicator of the dead and the guardian of the gateways and doors to the living and the dead. With those out of the way, the rest was great! I’m still learning everyday myself, if you see something that is missing or mistold please feel free to correct me or ask any questions! The coffin nail has a howlite skull and an accent stone. However, just like other religions, Vodou had its gods/deities, Beliefs, Morals, and Teachings. I left the bottom part of the nail exposed so you have the two contrasting metals. His symbol is the cross upon a tomb. He is equally charming as he is crude and outrageous. Known as the spirit of death, other spirits fear him and try to avoid him.He operates under the direction of Baron Samedi. I’ve been teaching and telling people the difference for months! In popular culture. The Leaders are of Papa Gede (Papa Gede Nibo is an example of a whole). Backed up by how he is seen being in the graveyard and another huge thing. Mèt Kafou is a crossroads Lwa. Bokor - Wikipedia The Rada loa spirits like Damballa , Erzulie Freda and Papa Legba -- are said to … This is not the correct representation of Papa Legba at all! The personality was not practically Samedi, nonetheless. Legba and Bawon Samedi are two different lwa, or spirits. In the new world, for a variety of reasons, the Esu of the Yoruba was divided in Haiti into Papa Legba and Baron Samedi. Hollywood has incorrectly described the two repeatedly. He spends his time acting mischievously and making jokes. :blush: If you want to make more blogs on Vodou in the future, you can always ask for some of my personal experience on possible Lwa, workings, maybe even Fèts and possession. YES. They are just as likely to turn down a person of African descent as they are to turn down someone of European descent. The reality is that Legba is the wise teacher, the communicator between … He is said to be able to grant forgiveness to those who have committed crimes against others. Part of the family spirits known as the Ghede. He stands at a spiritual crossroads and gives (or denies) permission to speak with the spirits of Guinee, and is believed to speak all human languages. Let’s get into the difference and their accurate representations. However, Papa Legba has no authority over the bridge from the physical world into the spirit world. Yes, both are guides of the dead and have frequented the living; however, they are not to be mixed up or confused. You know whats crazy I'm reading a story about a girl from out here in VA who died in her tub and she was trying to summon "Legba" but someone gave her a reading and said it was instead "Baron" crazy how people are summoning demons for fun and experiments its not a joke or game.. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. This knowledge is generally passed down. While they can be easy to mix up, they are relatively very different in both demeanor and role. Baron Samedi is known to be the All-Father of the spirits and the dead. @evil-blacksheep: thanks! This is due to his ability to open new doors and paths! He is thought to resemble someone ready to be buried, Nicely and formally dressed. He watches over and guides the spirits to the afterlife. He walks with a cane topped with a skull. Mama Legba: In Haitian Voodoo, Papa Legba is the intermediary between the loa and humanity. Thank you so much! We only have one God, they are Bondye. Only he can do this! :grin: To begin, As I’m sure most know, Vodou is a closed practice. I am resurrecting this group, so feel free to message me with any ideas for features, etc. On my journey of extensive research I’ve found that I’m insanely drawn to and attracted to the entire characteristics of Baron Samedi, so I guess my question/s for you all are... Have you worked with Papa Legba, if so, what happened and how did he/you make the first approach? It was pretty accurate for most of what you said, however.. some things that need to be addressed. You did pretty well with the post! Offerings accepted by Baron Samedi would include: Baron Samedi is seldom seen without a glass of rum in his hand and a cigar or cigarette in his mouth. The Lwa are not gods/goddesses/deities. Lwa (spirits), beings that are the main population of the world we cannot see. He is said to have a gift in speech and communication, allowing him to be a master of influence and words.

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