top issues in michigan 2020

Rank Last Year: 19 (Up 9) Violent Crimes Per … The capital news service MIRS reports that the votes to pass the bill are there, but House Speaker Lee Chatfield is “sensitive” to the concerns of Oakland County state reps who fear the wealthy, north Oakland counties they represent will to pay taxes to support a bus system they’re unlikely to use. Percentage of unemployed workers who received unemployment insurance in 2019, Percentage of people under age 65 and below 138 percent of the poverty line who did not have health insurance at any time in 2019. Manufacturers in Michigan account for 19.38% of the total output in the state, employing 14.20% of the workforce. The best outcome: Duggan needs to repair his relationship with Detroiters. Headlined by a 45-cent-per-gallon gas tax increase Whitmer said was necessary to generate the annual $2 billion required to fix Michigan's decrepit roads, and featuring the tiered school funding increases educators have spent years begging for, Whitmer’s budget was a non-starter for Republican anti-tax stalwarts. That's exactly what Michigan voters did in November 2018 when they wrested the redistricting process from the state's political parties and handed it to a new citizen's commission that will include four Republicans, four Democrats and five independent or third-party voters.Â, The campaign called Voters Not Politicians seeks to put a state constitutional amendment on the 2018 ballot to end gerrymandering. The big picture: For decades now, the progress of regional mass transit has been stymied by political infighting, intransigent leadership and voter skepticism. Whitmer foundered on the shores of the Republican-led state Legislature. 2 - February 15, 2020(PDF) Issue No. If you see comments in violation of our community guidelines, please report them. Request Appointment. Serious meetings between Whitmer and the legislative quadrant. And acknowledgment from the GOP that maintaining the state we want to have will require some kind of new revenue, not just a "reprioritization" of existing funds. The state's short- and long-term interests both counsel getting Line 5 out of the water and keeping it out.    Â, The worst-case scenario: If Michigan prevails in either of its legal initiatives, Enbridge will be forced to negotiate a new, safer deal with Whitmer. If Enbridge beats back both challenges, the governor will have little leverage to close the existing pipeline or stop construction of a new one.  Â, What to watch for in 2020: The next step in Nessel's campaign to decommission the new pipeline is a Jan. 31 status conference at which the Ingham County Circuit Court will schedule oral arguments in the case.  Â. EMERGING_DISEASES. This is a test to see whether we can improve the experience for you. Rick Snyder signed a bill that extended Enbridge's lease and authorized construction of a new pipeline to replace the existing one.Â. You will need to register before adding a comment. This fight is … Sheppard introduced the legislation in December, it was promptly voted out of committee … and now we wait. The best outcome: The Ilitches get serious about making good on their promises. Delaying meaningful action while the 2020 election plays out would mean another year of deteriorating schools and roads, another year of Michiganders falling … © 2021 The Biggest Issues to Watch in 2020 State legislatures will have a lot on their plates. But the nearby development? All the prophetic Netflix reality shows that aired. A new District Detroit is seen across from residential home for sale near Little Caesars Arena at 2712 Cass Avenue in Detroit on Monday, May 14, 2018. Let friends in your social network know what you are reading about, What to look for in 2020 as policymakers confront six hot-button issues. The worst-case scenario: In this case, we’d call it “the likely scenario,” which is that not much changes. But before the state could respond to the court's mandate that Michigan adopt fairer boundaries, U.S. Supreme Court justices ruled that it was beyond the judiciary's authority to remedy such unconstitutional gerrymanders. 2020 Michigan Fact & Issue Guide. •  In a separate lawsuit,  Nessel has asked the Ingham County Circuit Court to decommission Line 5, arguing that the pipeline is a public nuisance and violates the Michigan Environmental Protection Act because it is likely to pollute Michigan's natural resources. We'll be watching to see how much pressure CEOs and business leaders who have publicly championed Sheppard's bill are willing to exert on lawmakers. 15,372) You do not need a Facebook profile to participate. Resentment grows. Welcome to our new and improved comments, which are for subscribers only. Photo by Emily Bingham | But that well is running dry, and Detroit still has a lot of blight. Many people that run over potholes and get damage to their tires or rims have a hard time getting various cities to pay for damages. Please be polite. A link has been sent to your friend's email address. That's a problematic assertion for a lot of reasons, not least because the Wayne County Tax Foreclosure Auction, a primary driver of blight, rolls on. A link has been posted to your Facebook feed. Soon after Coulter took the reins in Oakland, he and three other leaders who have long supported transit — Wayne County Executive Warren Evans, Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan and Jason Morgan, chair of the Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners — announced a new plan to jump-start a regional transit system. A  former city employee pleaded guilty to accepting bribes. The city has steered little demolition work to Detroit-based or minority-owned businesses; demolitions have released harmful substances like lead and asbestos; and community advocates have raised concerns about what, if anything, will replace demolished structures. If the bill passes the House, it will move to the state Senate, where it is guaranteed to encounter all the same objections. (Photo: Romain Blanquart, Detroit Free Press). The worst-case scenario: Anti-tax Republicans block the bill, possibly by advancing the preposterous argument that ride-sharing services like Uber and Lyft, which are at best a small-scale solution, can somehow substitute for a robust system that moves tens of thousands efficiently. The governor played hardball, vetoing funds for even beloved programs like state autism allocations and some private-college scholarships, and using a state administrative board to shift funds around. 6 - April 15, 2020(PDF) Issue No. Both argued that they were faithfully channeling their constituents' sentiments: Voters in Oakland and Macomb counties shot down a transit millage in 2016. Number of apartments or other units that were affordable and available for every 100 renter households with very low incomes in 2018. Nope. Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 2019, Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Local Area Unemployment Statistics, 2019, Source: National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data, Source: Kids Count Data Center, Population Reference Bureau, Source: Analysis of data from the U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 2019, Table B15001, Source: Analysis of data from the U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 2019, Table B20017, Source: Kids Count Data Center, Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System, Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Vital Statistics Report, Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Household Food Security in the United States in 2019, Source: National Low Income Housing Coalition, "The Gap: A Shortage of Affordable Homes", 2020, Source: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, National Survey of Unbanked and Underbanked Households, 2017, Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Unemployment Insurance Chartbook, Source: Analysis of data from the U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 2019, Table C27016, Percentage of people who had incomes below the poverty line ($25,926 for a family of four) in 2019, Percentage of children under 18 in related families who had incomes below the poverty line in 2019, Percentage of working-age women (ages 18-64) who had incomes below the poverty line in 2019, Source: Analysis of data from the U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 2019, Table B19082, The ratio of the share of income going to the top 20 percent of households and the share of income going to the bottom 20 percent of households in 2019, Percentage of all workers who were unemployed in 2019, Percentage of public high school students who graduated on time of the 2017–18 school year, Percentage of youth ages 18 to 24 without high school degrees who were not in school or working in 2018, Percentage of young adults ages 25 to 34 who had an associate’s degree or higher from 2019, Women’s median earnings for every dollar of men’s median earnings among full-time, year-round workers in 2019, Number of children who lived in foster care for every 1,000 children under age 18 in 2018, Number of births per 1,000 women ages 15 to 19 in 2018. Michigan still has work to do. They’ll deal with issues in wildly differing ways. Climate Issues: Where 2020 Democrats Stand On The Green New Deal And More. This deep-pocketed family could make a serious push to attract other investors, or — here’s an idea — bankroll those projects themselves. More: Michigan's financial outlook a mixed bag: Here are 12 things to know, Democrat Dave Coulter, a longtime champion of transit, succeeded Patterson last year. The worst-case scenario: Any delay could slow the commission's work, increasing the risk of a chaotic rollout in 2022. This means acknowledging mistakes and moving forward with a level of transparency the mayor isn't comfortable with. For better or worse, demolition will continue to be a significant need for the near term, and if Duggan hopes to rebound, he needs to convince residents the Detroit he’s racing toward is the city Detroiters want and need. The adjacent developments were part of the trade-off for hundreds of millions of dollars in public subsidies for the arena's construction. The best outcome: Oil pipelines do not belong in the Great Lakes. Very low-income households are those with incomes at or below half of median income in the metropolitan or other area where they live. Love is Blind was social distance dating before it … This was possibly the most important issue of the last election, and that's a good sign. Percentage of households who were food insecure on average from 2017 to 2019, meaning that at some point during the year, they experienced difficulty providing enough food due to a lack of money or resources. Whitmer and Attorney General Dana Nessel have pursued a two-pronged legal campaign to shut down the existing pipeline, stop construction of a new one and force Enbridge to reopen negotiations with the current administration: A diver working on behalf of the nonprofit National Wildlife Federation inspects the Line 5 oil pipelines at the lake bottom in the Straits of Mackinac during a July 2013 dive. Bus on the street (Photo: Chalabala, Chalabala, Getty Images/iStockph). So here's a concise update on where six of the most important issues hanging fire in Michigan stand today, along with some recommendations for reaching optimal outcomes.Â. What to watch for in 2020: Meaningful negotiations. Updated Apr 15, 2020; Posted Apr 14, 2020 Ticks are a threat this time of year in Michigan, but they can be warded off with a few precautions. The worst-case scenario: Another standoff. The majority suggested states could solve the problem themselves by establishing less partisan redistricting processes. Percentage of households who were food insecure on average from 2017 to 2019, meaning that at some point during the year, they experienced difficulty providing enough food due to a lack of money or resources. All rights reserved. The 2020 top child health concerns are: Overuse of social media/screen time (72%) Bullying/cyberbullying (62%) Internet safety (62%) Volunteers have until June 1 to submit notarized applications to the Secretary of State, and the commission's 13 members will be chosen randomly from that pool by Sept. 1. Â, The big picture: Late in 2018, just weeks after voters elected a Democratic governor and attorney general who pledged to get Enbridge Company's aging Line 5 oil pipeline out of the environmentally fragile Mackinac Straits, lame-duck Gov. This includes payday loans, automobile title loans, refund anticipation loans, rent-to-own, and pawning. The big picture: In 2019, the ambitious budget proposed by Gov. It's OK to disagree with someone's ideas, but personal attacks, insults, threats, hate speech, advocating violence and other violations can result in a ban. And even if Line 5 did not pose an unacceptable risk to Michigan's greatest natural resource, the imminent dangers posed by climate change make it foolhardy for Michigan to perpetuate its dependence on fossil fuels. In 2019, the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE) issued at least nine violations to Marathon for noxious odors and exceeding legal limits on toxic emissions. Total output from manufacturing was $102.35 billion in 2018. All poll workers were wearing protective … Roads and bridges ranked as the top issue in Michigan among every demographic group, according to the poll; 46.3 percent of voters say Michigan roads have gotten worse. But because municipalities can opt out of the latter, some job centers aren’t reachable by bus, a critical problem for employers who need workers and transit-riders who need jobs. At the behest of the regional leaders, state Rep. Jason Sheppard, R-Monroe, introduced a bill that would amend an existing law that enables local government partnerships to lift a cap on millage levies, protect funds raised by such a millage from being diverted to bankroll downtown development, and allow county commissions to place millage questions on the ballot. Michigan is considered a swing state in 2020 as voters consider whether to reelect incumbent Republican President Donald Trump, who won Michigan in 2016 by roughly 10,000 votes. WASHINGTON - Voters in Michigan’s Democratic primary ranked health care as the most important issue facing the country, well above climate change, the … Ypsilanti. Metro Detroiters who rely on public transportation have to navigate two systems — the Detroit Department of Transportation and the Suburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transportation. To find out more about Facebook commenting please read the Conversation Guidelines and FAQs. WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Of 16 issues presented in a recent Gallup poll, at least 30% of U.S. adults rate five as being "extremely important" to their vote for president in 2020: healthcare, national security, gun policy, education and the economy. Hunger and Food Insecurity. AP VoteCast: Michigan voters say health care is top issue. Percentage of households that used high-cost, high-risk forms of credit to make ends meet during 2017. Read more. Issues in Healthcare, Member News, MHA In The News, Top Issues - Healthcare | April 12 Combating the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19): Week of April 5 Michigan hospitals are quickly reaching inpatient capacity as coronavirus variants spread throughout the state and … 3 - March 1, 2020(PDF) Issue No. From contaminated drinking water and out of control air pollution to attacks on our most cherished parks and natural areas, our state is no longer a leader in protecting our land, air and water. Detroit, MI 48201-2013. 1 - February 1, 2020(PDF) Issue No. And Duggan’s demo program has been under investigation by state and federal authorities by years. Michigan Manufacturing Facts. Progress stalls. 4 - March 15, 2020(PDF) Issue No. Debra Moore sanitizes her workspace during primary Election Day on Tuesday Aug. 4, 2020 in Detroit. (Photo: National Wildlife Federation, National Wildlife Federation), • Soon after taking office last year, Nessel issued a formal opinion that the tunnel legislation Snyder signed is unconstitutional. Residential developments of the sort the Ilitches promised to build are going up in many other Detroit neighborhoods, making the family’s reluctance to build even more mystifying. The best outcome: Everyone works together for the best outcome for Michigan’s crisis-point schools and roads, recognizing that fixing either will require new revenue. Healthcare. Now, as the water stress that has gripped state politics in the American West for more than a decade moves eastward, the confluence of these disparate conflicts in Michigan, a critical swing state that Trump won 2016, could make water emerge as a national political issue in 2020. And in the end, River Rouge ranks as the worst city to live in Michigan for 2021. 7 - May 1, 2020(PDF) Issue No. After a painful summer standoff, legislative Republicans passed a budget that gutted most of Whitmer’s spending priorities. And, unfortunately, those resources are facing some serious challenges here in Michigan. (Photo: Matthew Dae Smith, Lansing State Journal), Republicans have sued to stop the new commission on grounds that its exclusion of party officials, elected office-holders and their families and staff is unconstitutional. Duggan says that if he can borrow $250 million more, he can take down another 20,000 houses in the next five years, effectively ending residential blight. We're worried the Ilitches continue to invest in the business activity that generates short-term profits while exerting little effort to fulfill its promises to transform the neighborhood around LCA. Here is a look at Michigan’s most common in-person voting issues reported on Election Day and in the days leading up to it. With less than a month until the contentious 2020 election, "CBS This Morning" co-host Tony Dokoupil took it literally — asking Republicans and Democrats in Michigan… … Karmanos Cancer Center. The best outcome: State legislators, rested from the holidays and in a cooperative mood, adopt Sheppard's bill, the three counties’ commissions place a millage question on the November 2020 ballot, voters heartily endorse it, and a metro region starved for better transit options finally gets off the dime. Six years later, there’s an arena, all right. The information provided is gathered from several sources, including: Paid Sick Leave — This issue is another example of the Legislature side-tracking a ballot proposal created by a successful petition campaign. Many school districts have had to cancel or postpone bond elections in recent weeks because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Detroit's ballot problems seem unique among Michigan's largest cities. 8 - May 15, 2020(PDF) Issue No. 9 - June 1, 2020… The big picture: Early in 2019, a special panel of federal court judges ruled that the congressional and legislative boundaries Michigan Republicans drew after the last census had been designed to unlawfully dilute the impact of Democratic votes. One of several potholes found on Crescent Lake Road in Waterford, Michigan on Wednesday, February 27, 2019. Parties divided on "extremely important" issues by as many as 36 percentage points. As the following chart shows, the economy was the decisive issue for 35 percent of the surveyed voters, with 82 percent of those voting for Donald Trump. (Photo: Eric Seals, Detroit Free Press). If you're curious enough, here are the best cities to live in Michigan: Berkley (Pop. Read or Share this story:, (Photo: Chalabala, Chalabala, Getty Images/iStockph), (Photo: Matthew Dae Smith, Lansing State Journal), (Photo: National Wildlife Federation, National Wildlife Federation), (Photo: Romain Blanquart, Detroit Free Press), Michigan's financial outlook a mixed bag: Here are 12 things to know, This report makes the case for new Detroit policy | Opinion, Thanks to CDC, unvaccinated Americans think the pandemic is over | Opinion, Detroit City Council should adopt this surveillance technology ordinance | Editorial, Doctor: I could help solve vaccine hesitance if I had shots to give, James Craig will face enormous pressure to embrace big lie | Opinion, Changes to law must promote fair, inclusive electoral process | Opinion, Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. DDOT operates inside the city; SMART serves Detroit’s suburbs. Michigan college tuition hikes leave average graduate with $35K in debt About six-in-ten (59%) say violent crime will be very important to their 2020 decision, and 57% say this about foreign policy. You can search the mapper for reported illness in people, and confirmed infections in animals. Typed comments will be lost if you are not logged in. Delaying meaningful action while the 2020 election plays out would mean another year of deteriorating schools and roads, another year of Michiganders falling further behind in a race we’re already losing. Ranked: 34th. The Michigan Zoonotic and Vector-Borne Disease Mapper is a tool to display information about certain illness transmitted by bugs and animals in Michigan. 866-620-4438. What to watch for in 2020: It’s Lansing's move now.

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